Case Study

Randstad: internal translation work optimised

HR player Randstad communicates mainly in Dutch, French and English. Translation work is currently handled by two in-house translators and a selection of external parties, including ELAN Languages.


Randstad's question

The internal translators are approaching their retirement. There is no intention to replace them, which means that an external partner will be taking on the extra workload. Randstad's question was threefold. How do we transfer the extensive in-house expertise of these translators to an external party? How can we centralise it all to guarantee consistency while improving the financial aspect? And how can subtitling and voice-over projects be incorporated as well?

Our service

ELAN Languages provided both in-house translators with a condensed training course in MemoQ, the CAT tool we use to build and apply translation memories and terminology. ELAN translators work with the same memories and terminology as well. This guarantees consistency, while allowing for the expertise of both in-house translators to be incorporated into the work.

Thanks to an assignment portal built as a shell on top of the ELAN customer portal, the translators are able to choose which projects to take on themselves and which ones to leave to ELAN Languages. This allows for volume fluctuations to be absorbed smoothly, while ELAN is ready to pick up the mantle once both translators are retired. 'Newer' services around subtitling and voice-over can be taken care of based on the same framework as well.

The use of the same set of translation memories throughout ensures consistency while saving time and money on an annual basis.


Operating in the Netherlands since 1960 and in Belgium since 1965, Randstad has grown into the world's largest HR service provider. Their services range from temporary employment, recruitment and outplacement to training, in-house offices, HR projects and project sourcing. Randstad puts 30,000 people to work every week.

Unlock Your Global Potential with Expert Precision

With ELAN Languages, every word is a bridge to a wider world. Our human translators ensure that every interaction is meaningful, fostering deeper connections with your global audience.